Fees and Costs



Remedy structures client relationships in a flexible manner, to create the best fit for the companies and individuals we serve.

Our hourly rates will vary with the specifics of each request, depending on factors such as complexity and urgency. We will work closely with our clients to develop a fee scheme that is fair and reasonable, and we will provide estimates for specific projects, allowing for adequate budgeting and planning.

We typically bill for our consulting work on an hourly basis, but our rates tend to be much lower than what law firms usually charge for comparable experience. However, we also offer a number of services with a flat-rate fee per package or project. Contact us to find out how outsourced general counsel legal services can meet a myriad of needs for you or your organization conveniently and affordably.

For clients with no pre-arranged time commitment seeking general counsel services on a purely on-demand basis, Remedy charges an hourly rate that is substantially less than the rate charged even by smaller law firms. For clients who wish to have Remedy act as de facto general counsel, with the attorney dedicating up to two days per week solely to the client, we often agree on a negotiated weekly or monthly rate. Again, if translated into an hourly rate, the negotiated rates are less than the rates charged by traditional law firms or practitioners.

What We Will Never Charge For

Remedy does not charge clients for regular photocopies, domestic phone calls, standard legal research, or other ordinary costs of doing business. We are in the business of providing excellent legal services, not collecting incidental fees.


Phone: (470) 377-2730
Email: Krista@RemedyOutsideCounsel.com

We are in the business of providing excellent legal services, not collecting incidental fees.